Parents come to the service to give thanks for their child and to provide a spiritual home for him or her, a community in which to grow and explore faith and the spiritual adventure of being a created human being. Baptism marks the start of this journey, a turning away from the paralysis of self-centredness to the life, light and wholeness found in Jesus Christ.

When do baptisms take place?
Baptisms are held on the first Sunday of each month during the 10:30 Family Eucharist, except during Lent and Advent. Please contact our Chaplain several months in advance of the date you prefer, as time is needed for preparation.
How many godparents should the child have?
The minimum of godparents the child may have is three, by custom normally two of the child's gender and one of the opposite gender. The godparents must be baptised and, usually, confirmed. When a godparent is unable to attend a baptism, a proxy is welcome to stand in for him or her at the service. We hope that you will also invite members of your family and your friends to share in the celebration.
How much does a baptism cost?
There is no church fee for a baptism, but only an administration charge for the legal registration work that is required and a charge for the special Baptism Candle. Contact our Chaplain for details. At the baptism service itself, there is a collection of money during the third hymn. This is for the work of St Alban's Church. We are not State funded, and only receive money for our church from our congregation and visitors. Please give generously.